Liesbeth Claes
Coins in the class room; A history of Numismatic Education at the Universities in the Netherlands
Jan Pelsdonk & Paul Oostervink
Theodorus Marinus Roest; Een leven ten dienste van de numismatiek
Joost Snaterse
Amulet, jewel, coin? Layers of meaning and the Velp hoard of 1715
Patrick Breternitz
Das Ende der eigenständigen friesischen Münzprägung im 8. Jahrhundert. Beobachtungen zur Chronologie der Porcupinevarianten B, E und F
Jos Benders
De muntvondst Blerick 2011 (TPQ 1481)
Dariusz Jasek
Comparison of the actual measured fineness of the Netherlands gold ducats with the values of the fineness required by law
Theo Nissen
Munten geslagen in ballingschap; Nederlandse daalders en kwartdaalders van Oost-Friese makelij (1567-1573)
Karin Lurvink
Isolation, Financial Benefits and Labor Control. The Use of Louisiana Plantation Tokens in Dutch Comparative Perspective, 1865-1960